Work performed by exceeding the working hours determined in accordance with this law shall be deemed to be working overtime.
The wage to be paid for each hour of overtime work cannot be less than the amount to be found by increasing the amount per hour of the normal working wage by 25%.
The situations written below are not counted as working overtime hours.
1. Works deemed necessary by the captain for the safety of the ship, the persons on board or the ship's cargo,
2. Additional works that have to be fulfilled due to customs, quarantine and other sanitary formalities,
3. The drills (fire, abandonment, conflict at sea, rescue and defense) performed on the ship while the ship is underway or in port. The employer or the employer's representative has to keep a separate book certified by a notary public in order to document the working overtime hours.
In this book, the rate of increase applied to the seafarer, the day of overtime work and the amount per day and the overtime wage that the seafarer deserves are shown. It is obligatory that the wages for working overtime hours are paid in full to the seafarers by the employer or the employer's representative at the times, places and periods indicated in the service contract for the main wages.
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